Is It Worth It?

Yes, It’s Worth It

GFA staff serve as the link between these missionaries and the people who support them—using administrative, financial, technical and communications skills. We enable hundreds of missionaries to impact millions with the love of Christ.

Using Your Skills

GFA is a place where the skills and experience you may never have thought valuable for ministry work are invaluable in the growth of God's kingdom.

Working at GFA means you serve in an office to change lives for eternity, using the skills God has given you.

Missions is not just for those who take cross-cultural training. It’s for everyone.

For example, writers use their skills to communicate the ministry and the programs of GFA through advertising pieces, brochures and other publications. Through their efforts, some learn about GFA for the first time while current partners of the ministry are informed and encouraged.

Graphic designers use their skills to bring visual excitement to what our writers have written, bringing color and freshness to brochures, publications and our website. Together, they bring to life what God is doing on the mission field.

Paying a Price

Living for the sake of Christ comes with challenges. It involves sacrifice, perseverance and the daily picking up of your cross. Because of Christ's love, we believe it's all worth it. Not only do we get to follow Jesus, we get to know Him more intimately, resulting in millions being impacted by the love of Christ. There's no ladder to climb, just a call to lay down your life to make a real difference in the world. What more could you ask for?

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Hear from our Team

“I count it a privilege to serve at GFA World with brothers and sisters that believe that the "Great Commission" can be finished in our generation! I was a successful farmer in MB, however I now have more peace and joy knowing that thousands are being added to the church because of my small life! The Lord commands us to lay up treasures in heaven and that is just what you do when you serve at GFA World.”
—Harv, GFA staff since 2011

“I have served full-time with GFA World since 2008. In these years I have experienced greater growth in my Christian walk than in all the previous years! I feel so privileged to serve our brothers and sisters in Asia as they bring the Good News to untold millions.”
—Iris, GFA staff since 2008

“I have wanted to serve the Lord here at GFA ever since I had the opportunity to go see the work that the Lord is doing on the field. It was very hard to see the lost people living and dying without the hope that Jesus brings. That's why I have joined GFA staff, so I can help send out national missionaries to their own people.”
—Dylan, GFA staff since 2014

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